
Fajar Ramadhan

About Me

On this occasion, please allow me to introduce my self. My Name is Muhammad Fajar Ramadhan. I am the first child in my family and I have 2 other siblings. I was born in Probolinggo, Desember 26th 2000. Currently, I live in Jl.Koma' Indah no 19, Leces, Probolinggo

Now I'm studying at AMIK Taruna Probolinggo majoring in Information Systems. I really like coding and every day I always learn to better understand the coding world. My dream is to graduate with satisfactory grades. Hopefully my dream can come true. Well that's more or less my self-introduction, more or less please forgive.

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AMIK Taruna Probolinggo

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Fajar Ramadhan


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